Wednesday, December 23, 2015

I am off to Africa again. I am super excited to see what God has in store for me there. God has taught me a lot since my last excursion. Before I went to Ghana I had a "I can do anything" mindset. I had a savior complex. I thought that I was going to "save" the world. The world is not mine to save nor can it be saved by anything except Jesus. By myself I can do nothing. By myself I am a looser. With God however all things are possible. I firmly believe that God loves to use the people who are not good at anything. No one can look at me and say "That Naomi she is so great" because everyone knows that's not true. One can only look and say "God is doing work there". I need a lot of prayer as I follow God on my next journey. Please pray that I will seek God in every situation and that he will give me the strength to follow him without hesitation.