Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Let's be Unconventional

    Are we not called to live in an unconventional way? There is nothing normal about the way the Jesus lived. We are called to be imitators of Christ. Did Christ count his money and wonder if he had enough? Did Christ walk past the irritating co-worker to talk to the office cool kid? Did Christ give up his calling in exchange for a comfortable life with a white picket fence? Was Jesus indifferent to the injustices of the world and surround himself with only the wealthy? If you don't know the answer to those questions it would be best if you stopped reading this and opened your bible to investigate for yourself.
    Jesus understood the temptation for an easy life but he chose the hard route. He chose to forsake the comforts of the world and focus purely on Gods plan for his life. He knew that Gods plan was hard and he even "fell on his face rand prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26:39. He was not blind to suffering but understood that it was a path that led to something greater.  
    Jesus' suffering was for our sake. His love for us was greater than any desire for comfort. He could have decided not to seek Gods will and reject what God was calling him to but submitted is life to God. Should we not submit our lives to God and follow Him with the same unconventional love that was demonstrated to us on the cross so that others can meet the giver of unconventional love? Let us examine our lives and continually be pursuing ways to shed society norms and put on the fanny packs and socks under sandals of Christ. Lets get unconventional!