I feel like my time in Uganda has been divided into three distinct chunks. Number one trying to work with the Phase Project, number two moving across town and moving in with a family that I had just met, and the most recent development being a pretend “co-mom” to six children while their parents are out of country trying to figure out emergency medical care for the mother Michaela. God works in crazy ways. Seriously I came here with the expectation to be doing something extremely different then what I am now and the random connections that lead me to my current predicament are mind-blowing.
I met a random girl names Laura at church somehow ended up mentioning that I had a lot of free time and I once had a job teaching swim lessons. I am not even sure how swimming was even brought up. The next day Laura messaged me and said that they were starting a swimming program and desperately needed some help. She asked if I could come teach the next day. Just like that my life changed. Sunday; talked about how I taught swimming in the past. Monday; told they needed help. Tuesday; started a new chapter of Uganda. Not long after I started teaching the job I initially thought that I would do fell through. I was given three days to re-figure out my life. It seemed like almost an impossible task. But anything is possible for God.
The next bit was a whirlwind. I talked about my situation with Cody the guy I taught swimming with. He said he had a girl who lived at the house with him and his family that he thought I should talk to. On the day I was supposed to give my final answer to the girl I was living with whether I would stay and tough it out or go Elise messaged me and said she was at a coffee shop and asked if I wanted to meet up. I thought about making an excuse and not meeting up with her but I didn't. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.
She ended up bringing me back to the house for dinner… and promptly left me to have a “short” three hour Skype call… (I still give her a hard time about that) but it worked out fine. I talked some more to Cody about my situation and he gave me some really good insight on why I should probably just quit. I used to pride myself with not being a quitter. I almost would torture myself by continuing doing things I hated just so I could say that I didn’t quit. But the more that I have “quit” the more I have realized how awesome it is and sometimes God lets us go through hard things to break us out of what we are doing and move us towards something better. If I hadn’t had a hard time with the Phase Project I wouldn’t be where I am now..phase three in my project..I mean the third part of my time here.
I feel like I am exactly where God wants me to be. I knew God wanted me in Uganda but when O first got here I couldn't for the life of me figure out why. But now I get to be a blessing to a great family who so generously opened up their house to me when I was on the bring of being displaced. Because they are so open with their house the three random girls living with them were able to take on parenting so that they were able to leave for the U.S as soon as possible knowing that the six children they left would be fine in Uganda.
I am not going to lie suddenly becoming a “mom” to six children has been kind of exhausting at times and it makes me really appreciate my mother... apparently it is true what people always say about the correlation between having kids and being grateful to your mother. But I am super happy to be here for them and I am so glad there are three of us “moms” at the house to make sure everything happens smoothly… well at least semi-smoothly.
Today has been kind of rough though nothing particularly bad has happened besides the three year old spraying Deet directly in his eyes at 7:00 in the morning. (Cody and Michaela if you read this he is fine and can still see) it just meant I had to peel his eyes open and dump water in them for a long time. I would say I feel bad for him but his siblings told him not to and he still did it… so natural consequence… I feel heartless… but not. So that is where I am at right now.
I know God is teaching me a thousand things but I haven’t had time to process them. How do parents do it!?! I now understand parent bed time. I can say in earnest "8:30 no wonder I am yawing" before I would say that as a joke to people who aren't night owls but now I can relate.
If you feel like God is calling you to pray for the situation here please pray for Michaela as she is getting medical tests done to figure things out. Pray for peace for the whole family during this stressful time and that God would use this time to draw everyone involved closer to him and that we would find our strength only in him.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
How important is joy in our lives! God wants us to have joy. He wants us to sing,
dance, and rejoice in what he has done. He created everything so beautiful.
When you truly look around at creation it will take your breath away if you
really ponder the intricacy of what you are seeing you cannot help but be in
awe, a gorgeous sunrise of vibrant reds and oranges gracing the skies over a
peaceful majestic mountain, crashing rivers surrounded by a thick forest with a
clear blue sky above who can even imagine the views that God has blessed us
On top of the beauty of creation there is also the exquisite value of our
fellow believer’s souls and our own hearts. God has created each one of us
unique. God has enlightened each of us in different ways and each of us
understands things more fully than others better than others. That is one of
the reasons why community is so important we are always learning from one
another. God is using us in our own ways and words cannot describe what is
going on in our hearts. It is a treasured privilege when you are in a deep
enough community where you are able to get a glimpse of the spiritual growth
taking place in another person. If only we always thought this way all the
It is our choice to see the beauty in the world. There is no denying that
the world is a fallen place. There is heartache and sorrow every place we look.
If we get caught up on these things we can get bitter and depressed. We forget
that God did not make sin that is on us and we blame him. Sin is our choice. We
cannot say it is God's fault for the terrible around us though sadly that is
what we do. Proverbs 16:9 says that "The heart of man plans his way, but
the LORD establishes his steps". Man will do what he wants but God can
turn it all around for good. So Instead of being upset at God we should be
praising Him for all that is good and pray to Him for continued redemption for
the world.
The bible says all that is good comes from the Lord. When we are
caught up on the negative our eyes are not on God. How sad is it when we are
only focused on the bad. The joy and wonder is sucked out of us and we become
so serious. We all have different temptations when this happens. When I get too
focused on the bad I become depressed at the people in the world. I only notice
the stupidity in people. Then I go the opposite direction and I start getting
caught up on my flaws and start comparing myself to others and think that I am
worthless. It is true that I am not good at many things which a lot of
Christians value. I pray and pray to be better at these things. But God time
and time again has made it clear to me that he has created me this way for a
purpose. He gave all of us our own talents and we should not be looking around
at others comparing who's talents are "better". When we focus solely on God and his desires
for us joy comes naturally.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Last week I moved in with a family that I met here. I am really enjoying my
time with them. They are very fun Godly people and are super open with their
house (hence me living there). There are also two other girls living there as
well. I went from having hardly any community to having a second family. It has been
very reassuring. It has been a very low key couple of weeks due to moving in. I am still getting used to living in this area of town but I like it way better. Almost all of the friends I have made live on this side so it is way easier to do things with people and my new house has a gorgeous view of lake Victoria.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Life is almost back to normal. Elections are over and it seems like there won't be any more trouble with the different political parties over who got elected. It was safe enough for me to go back into town for the first time this week and it was so nice to be able to get out of the house. I think everyone else felt the same way because town was the busiest I have seen it yet. It took me three hours to get home the other day on a trip that usually takes me half an hour. I really should have just walked but I kept thinking that the traffic jam was just about to end.
I had a good day today. I was able to take a new friend that I met to volunteer at the orphanage I sometime help at. God has given my friend a great heart for kids with special needs and she is planning on starting a girls home for disabled children. She was able to do some physical therapy work with one of the girls there who has cerebral palsy. The little girl enjoyed working with her. She smiled and laughed more then I had ever seen her anytime I have been there. It was good to see her with so much light in her eyes.
As for me, God has been teaching me a lot about trusting in his plan for me. If you read some of my previous posts you might recall that I am no longer working with the person that I came down to work with. I realized that I care about people more than I care about getting things done. I also realized that those two are way more different then you would think. When you are focused so much on getting things done you don't have time for deep relationships the people you are working with. You meet, you talk about what needs to get done, you go over your timeline then you leave and repeat the same thing with whoever else you are using to accomplish your goal. We are all different and God has a unique plan for us. There are people who are great at getting things done and thrive on this kind of work. I am not one of those people. So now I am trying to figure out what God wants me to do.
It's a little hard having a life that is so up in the air. I am moving for the second time this coming week. Luckily I didn't bring much stuff so the actual move won't be hard. The last time I moved I carried my suitcase on my lap while riding on a motorcycle, which actually went smoother then I thought it would. The hardest part of moving again will be transitioning to another way of life. I am sure it will be great but it will take some getting use to. I will be living with an awesome family that I have already learned a lot from and I am sure that living there grow my faith substantially.
Another thing God has been helping me with is to be satisfied in the knowledge that He loves me just the way I am and I don't have to worry about other people's opinions of me. Due to a couple different things on how my last couple months have been I have struggled with feelings of being incapable and that I am constantly being judged for being naturally terrible at many things. I know these things are not true and hopefully no one is actually judging me but it is a temptation to think these thoughts. In general life has been a little hard but I would not replace these challenges that I have had. God is good and I believe that he blesses those who struggles with times of extreme growth and spiritual intimacy. Nothing like having no one to get yourself worth from to make you really get your worth from God. God loves me and he is more important.
Friday, February 19, 2016
If any of you keep up to date on Ugandan news…Unlikely
though possible, you would have noticed that it is election time. On Monday there
was unrest in the city center. One person got shot and tons of people got tear
gassed. I also heard a couple people are missing. Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday have been pretty peaceful. Thursday was election day and since then they have limited internet
access. No social media and a couple other things. Luckily if I needed to
get a hold of anyone I have a program downloaded that lets me pass through the
block but I only have a certain amount of time free so I will be limiting that until it
becomes unblocked. It has been an interesting time. I have been pretty bored
because I have chosen to follow good advice and stick around indoors despite
my desire to see the action (You’re welcome Mom and Dad). I am staying with a
friend and we “stocked up” on food and supplies… but we were bad at estimating
so really were weren't stocked up and we will have to buy more stuff which isn’t a big deal, we live really close
to a market and a grocery store. I don't need to be to worried right now if anything intense happens it is likely to
happen after they announce the winner of the elections. If the current president
wins he will have to and I quote “squash the opposition” If the opposition wins
he pretty much has to overthrow the current government. It could go smooth, it could not. Please pray
that things will go smoothly and that I won’t die of boredom from being cooped
up in the house.
P.S I didn't take this picture because I was smart enough to avoid town but this is what it looked like.
Friday, February 12, 2016
My time here so far has been interesting. It has been one of
the times were I have learned a lot and grown a lot spiritually. I am not going
to lie, it has been hard. But from the challenges I’ve had I have figured out a
lot about myself. I use to think that I was passionate about getting things
done and implementing ideas. It turns out that I just care about people. In my
opinion if you get things done but step on the people around you and tear them
down even if you have implemented some grand idea you have accomplished
nothing. If you help people but they can't see God in you it is all worthless. No
matter how much you teach a person trying to improve their life they are still
broken and miserable unless they have God. It is better to be starving and know
Jesus then to be wealthy and deny him. So with that being said I have quit what
I am doing here, moving in with a family I met and have turned to trying to
invest in relationships with people and pursuing God. A lot of the people in
Uganda are very religious but they haven’t read the bible and they don’t know
what following God actually means. They go to church and follow what the pastor
says and frequently what is preached is not the real gospel. I am looking into
finding people like this and helping them learn to study the bible on their
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
I got to go to a village to work with one of our project partners Plan for All today. The are doing a number of things in the community. One of the projects they are doing is taking care of the elderly people who are living by themselves. Uganda has a very high death rate and a lot of them don't have any family left and have no one to look after them. Plan for All goes in and makes sure that they are living in safe(ish) conditions, have food and clothing. Other projects they have include teaching the people in their community about farming and using their resources. The area is very green and has great potential for farming there is also food that is already growing wild that they don't realize.
God has been faithful. I am having a hard time adjusting to my job pretty much being all my weaknesses. Everything I have to do is new and not what I would do. But God has a plan and he wants me here so I will trust in him and carry on. In James 1:2 it says count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trails of various kinds. for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. Its weird to think that you should be thankful but when life sucks but really there is only two things you can do. You can get depressed and focus on how terrible things are or you can dig into God and hold tight. He can get you through any storm. I have done both options and believe me life is the worst thing ever when you try shutting God out.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Today was fairly productive I got to organize some of the projects that I have been working on and I also got to explore the city which was super fun. I was lost inside a market for an hour or so which was fine because there was so much to look at and I had nothing else I needed to do. Once I made it out of the swarms of people it was pretty easy to get back to the apartment. One doesn't really need to know where they are they only need to know where they are going. All you have to do is hop in a tro or taxi (which is really just a large van crammed full of people) that is going to your neighborhood and ta-da you are back to where you want to be. I have had a lot of free time since I have gotten here and am not really sure what to do with it. I guess I should start a hobby.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
I made it to Uganda! It has been super busy since I arrived. Since I got here we have met up with two universities to get students involved with different projects to help empower the community. We also met up with Crossroads Animation Studios to look at the final production of the first episode of Sinza a name that means Praise in Luganda the local language. Sinza is a girl who teaches about different health topics. This first episode was on Vitamins. They want us to write 12 more episodes by the end of February so that they can turn it into a T.V series! Crazy! God has been doing a lot here and I have met some awesome people. Today has been a super chill day which is good because I get to wander around in town a bit and get situated.
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