Friday, December 21, 2012

It's christmas break! which means that almost all the kids at the school have left so its really quiet which is quite a change. I am excited for today though because one of the peace corp volunteers that I have met here is having a christmas party!which should be fun. I am not sure what I will do for the break but I think I will probably travel to the coast some. Who knows?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

My newest goal is to get the kids really interested in reading. There is a library at the school that is rarely utilized. Also kids here have a really poor reading level and I feel like if they read more it would definitely help a lot. I have been borrowing a lot of books from it. Some for me but some for the kids. We have been having a lot of fun having reading parties in my room. I pretty much have one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish memorized. I also spent most of yesterday thinking in rhyme.. thanks a lot Dr. Seuss!